Well, being 6' 5', pull-ups are my nemesis. I have really long arms so I have to do twice the work of someone with short arms to get the weight up there.
Also, to be honest, my dad wanted me to be an athlete. And I think all sons want to prove something to their dad. So now, aged 35, I want to see what I can achieve physically.
When I'm training for 'True Blood,' I don't eat any sugar except for some fruit here and there. So it's no sugar, no bread, no real carbs all day.
I was happier going back to my roots: training like men do in my hometown of Pittsburgh. Back home the guys in the gyms don't lift to look good; they're lifting to lift. They do it because they want...
I mean 'One Tree Hill' had some rabid fans - you'd be surprised - they're almost in a class of their own.
Matt Bomer and I went to Carnegie Mellon for drama together.
Well, if I hadn't have been an actor I would have gone on to play college sports.
I was kind of a dark kid. I loved Halloween, and I loved vampires and the black and white old monster movies.
I've always been an athletic guy, but the extent to which I go for 'True Blood' or for 'Magic Mike' is because of the role that I'm playing.
I watched so many comic book movies where the actors weren't as built as the characters in the book. It made me mad because they didn't look right.