My whole life is geared to play guitar. I play what I want when I want and I hope the listener gets as much pleasure listening to the music as I get playing it.
Well I know I was contracted to Polydor so they couldn't use my name.
It wasn't all spent on practicing, I did do other things! but the classical guitar means a lot to me so I spend many hours building good chops and getting a good program together.
The best 45 years of my life were the 5 years I spent with Ton Jones.
I hope to soon be in contact with the man who is searching for Noah's ark.
Lots of people think it was Jimmy Page who had the first fuzzbox. It wasn't, No! it wasn't me either.
They are part of lots of sessions that makeup a hazy part of my session life.
Talk radio doesn't need to be political.
Just recently I worked with Van Morrison and I came to realize that money can't make a decent human being out of you.