I'm working on my music a lot, like folk singing, guitar. It's sort of rocky, folky, alty, angsty. I'm putting a lot of energy into that. I write pretty much all the time.
I'd love to be a part of 'Star Wars.' I'd be a Sith, of course - I'm English! We've got the voice, and it's perfect for the bad guys.
I've been on sets where I broke my ankle on a television show doing a stunt playing Arthur in 'Camelot.' That was because it was really rushed, and it hadn't been thought through properly.
I'm a dirty kid: I like to be outside, I like to run about, I like to get messy. So I spent a lot of time outside as a kid, skating and just being a disaster. I was obsessed with Dogtown - I still am...
I wanted to be a part of the first 'Twilight' movie, and unfortunately, it didn't work out so great. So when they came back and were like, 'Do you want to come in for a part for the second movie,' I...
I think that there should be this thing for cover-ups on tattoos. I want to develop it. It's like a skin-toned transfer, and then all the make-up artist has to do is airbrush over it to blend it into...
When I was 16, I used to hang out at the Nambucca pub in North London and see The Libertines play live.
I feel responsible for certain fans, but I've never said I'm a role model.
I tend to thrive on being misquoted. It's the only way I sound good.