Ivan krastev

The post-Cold War order in Europe is finished, with Vladimir Putin its executioner. Russia's invasion of Georgia only marked its passing. Russia has emerged as a born-again 19th-century power...
Bulgaria has been deindustrialized by interest groups who extracted state assets like oil states extract the oil in their ground.
For the Kremlin, it is more feasible to preserve its great-power status in cooperation with the United States than in confrontation.
Regimes like the one in Russia are stabilized by the fact that they have no ideology. There is really no ideological means to attack them.
In 2008, Putin's message was, 'We aren't like a Central Asian republic, we aren't going to build a personalistic regime, we will have institutions.' This is all abolished now. The very idea of a...
Before, revolutions used to have ideological names. They could be communist, they could be liberal, they could be fascist or Islamic. Now, the revolutions are called under the medium which is most...
Germany, because of the fact and the perception of a special relationship with Russia, is the only one who can influence Russian debate. Russians also believe that Germans understand them best because...
The E.U. cannot act as guardian of the post-Cold War status quo without risking a collapse of Europe's current institutional infrastructure.
Transparency is not about restoring trust in institutions. Transparency is the politics of managing mistrust.