.... Watch this.... Listen ... uh... okay uh... what to do now... twisted thinking... ride home.. its the little things that matter.... Wait for it.....He gets so angry!! lol!!! unwanted which is it...
Now there is a car here too... It's probably... Are you kidding me? Oh they are starting up the helicopter! No... I managed to shoot, again! Somebody is shooting at the helicopter. and I am...
Hmm, there is some house on the shore there Since I have these zombies after me, why not get some more? Hey, I now see a construction crane and some dock cranes in the distance Can I get anywhere on a...



Hey guys Im Sarah and I’m here today in the studio with Ms. Anna. Hello. And as you can tell we have been experimenting with glitter body art. Yes, that is what we do here. Today we are going to be...