Resolution: Be it resolved foreign aid does more harm than good For the resolution: Dambisa Moyo and Hernando de Soto Against the resolution: Paul Collier and Stephen Lewis Moderator: Rudyard...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The inaugural Munk Debate took place in Toronto on May 26, 2008. The debate’s resolution was: “Be it resolved the world is a safer place with a Republican in the White House”. The...
Mr. Douglas' Speech LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I appear before you today in pursuance of a previous notice, and have made arrangements with Mr. Lincoln to divide time, and discuss with him the leading...
CUPP: Sure, President Obama has issues, but so do Republicans. And Ralph, here's one dividing me and you. The rift in the Cheney family exposed a rift in the Republican family. Wyoming Senate...
REECE: Should the United States adopt public financing of campaigns? I say yes. Dennis says no. What do you think, Dennis?  FALCON: We spend enough money , taxpayer money -- public money -- on enough...
JIM ANGLE: Welcome to the University of Virginia and another of our debates on issues of national importance.  Iʹm Jim Angle, Chief Washington correspondent of FOX News.    President Obama has made...



MS. RIDINGS: Good evening from the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City. I am Dorothy Ridings, the president of the League of Women Voters, the sponsor of this final Presidential debate of the 1984...
RUTH HINERFELD, LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, EDUCATION FUND: Good evening. I'm Ruth Hinerfeld of the League of Women Voters Education Fund. Next Tuesday is Election Day. Before going to the polls, voters...
RUTH J. HINERFELD, CHAIR, LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS EDUCATION FUND: Good evening. I'm Ruth Hinerfeld of the League of Women Voters Education Fund. We're pleased to be in Baltimore for the first of our...
EDWIN NEWMAN, MODERATOR: Good evening. I'm Edwin Newman, moderator of this first debate of the 1976 campaign between Gerald R. Ford of Michigan, Republican candidate for president, and Jimmy Carter of...