Solitudini che si incontrano In un bosco di pensieri E si toccano si scambiano il domani Salendo sopra i rami il mondo sembra aprirsi E qualche cosa semrpe c'è da dirsi Racconta la tua storia...
Au cœur gris de la ville Assis sur un banc Le temps passe tout comme mon jean Mais il passe moins vite Que le temps d'avant Je mariais les villes à mes chemises Moi je parle autant de langues Que...
hello and welcome back today we're going to be talking about top ten ways of doing things first way use your arms your arms pretty much do a lot of things they comb your hair they hold a fork...
Ed ora stacco tutto Resto solo io E questa melodia Stasera e solo mia Non voglio compagnia La fuori c'e il diluvio Che allaga la citta E' meglio non uscire Fuori mi potrei bagnare Non puo piovere per...
Sulla scia (di nuovo) di una cameriera... stacca dal bar élite alle sei la sera "guarda la coincidenza... ti ho vista ieri sera... dimmi come ti chiami quanti ragazzi chiami io non so fare...
Busted flat in Baton Rouge Waitin' for the train Feelin' nearly faded as my jeans Bobby thumbed a diesel down Just before it rained Rode us all the way to New Orleans I pulled my harpoon out of my...
cansada muerta en baton rouge esperabamos el tren cuando yo me sentia descolorada como mis jeans bobby fermaba un diesel justo primero que lloviese, que nos llevara a new orleans yo sacaba mi armonica...



Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waitin' for a train When I's feelin' near as faded as my jeans Bobby thumbed a diesel down just before it rained And rode us all the way into New Orleans I pulled my...
iKON’s Bobby Says He’s Confident He Could Win “Show Me The Money” Again iKONs Bobby recently sat down for an interview, in which he was asked how well he would do if he went on Show Me The Money...
iKON’s Bobby Says He’s Confident He Could Win “Show Me The Money” Again iKONs Bobby recently sat down for an interview, in which he was asked how well he would do if he went on Show Me The Money...