
Leonardo da Vinci was the quintessential renaissance man. Best known for his achievement in the art world, da Vinci made significant contributions to architecture, botany, engineering, mathematics,...
10. Shiri Shiri is a Japanese mechanical butt that exhibits emotion in response to human touch. Made from skin-like silicone, it will tense up in fear if hit, and shiver - seemingly in pleasure - if...
ENGSUB: ENGLISH IS FUN - I always like to talk to you about what I read about in the news and things you did. As...besides Gatesletter, also ran the news for... You had something to do with...
The idea that work might be fulfilling, rather than just painfully necessary, is a strikingly recent invention. Open Dr. Johnson's celebrated dictionary, published in 1755, and the word...
Steel and plastic. These two materials are essential to so much of our infrastructure and technology, and they have a complementary set of strengths and weaknesses. Steel is strong and hard, but...
“Patent” (not “patent” like an invention) refers to some opening, and a patent ductus arteriosus, which I’m going to call PDA, for short, refers to a blood vessel—the ductus arteriosus—which connects...
I wrote let I'm thankful for on the internet. It got seventy five likes 15 shares and 8 comments. What about you, Chuck? I got blocked You seem down Charlie Brown what's wrong? No...
The Forester 2.0XT. It's new on the Dutch market. There was a Forester, but it didn't have a lot of power. This one does. 2-liter, 238 hp, 357 Nm (263 lb ft) torque. This takes you...
Nearly everything we buy is made overseas. No matter where you live, it’s likely that the majority of products you use on a daily basis are made outside your own country’s borders. Even at the...
Hi, this is Mark Brown with Game Maker's Toolkit, a series on video game design, and I want to talk about Super Mario 3D World: a game that is bursting at the seams with ideas. This is a game...