Pack up with what's worthy, Lock it up in the car. Don't be surprised if I drive too far. Speak now and we're followed, While the weakest react. The nose on the siren is right on our tracks. A pair of...
Glow, but don't shine. A fuse for a blueprint, Devices my hands built. For, for these roads, The rain and my raincoat, Drown in a flash flood. For we are alive. Give, given air. Not used to alfresco....
Take a little dive into the shallow or spy, What do you see? I see the tortoise and the hare in a rat-race, And it fits like a glove under my sleeve. Just wait 'til then. Their heads are the heaviest...
Mountains of molehills, a grapevine in my ear. Spots on the tiger, while the townspeople gather to hear; While the nests in my hands starve for rest. Sticklers for cheap fun, You oughta be ashamed to...
If there's a nurse that takes your ears in rations, Sets a plate to feed the stifled steel. If there's a nurse that feeds your germ-soaked dinners, On a tray of bones and orange peels. For yourself,...
And let me introduce you to a pair that strikes crude oil, But I see pyrite. It is the same old pattern: the goose that feeds the gander. They choose to act, but not I. Let's go outside and it might...
Here is the deal, you must find guesses in this room. Cut around the block, shake in the boots we stock, I'll turn your onset to off. With patience and much practice of keeping all this clean. Wipe...