If it's not waiting then it is certainly this that sits with a crown atop an ever lengthening list of things I can't fucking stand it's the deficit of time we never know how much we've got left so I'm...
Every kid I ever was would cringe at the predicament and every man I've ever been would laugh at the experience because I know that risk and desire go hand in hand sometimes the cost of autonomy is...
The truth of the matter is anything is possible had you not seen it all from birth and bled it of its strangeness it would appear for what it is a fetishized novelty a fevered dream having neither...
In the codex of memory the foundation the basement floor the contraband we carry around in our heads the empirical raw material and after all I'm a surveyor's son trying to make sense of the same...
We wait for concrete rubble to crumble underfoot Or asphalt that has done its time In spite of knowledge of cleaner lines A dying relic Woven through frustrated cities And people who are forced to...
Having no idea that their friend was dead the three of them went hard as they could into the desert before fire rained down on their heads what could they have done to deserve this treatment for every...
That day you said you sent a letter to me never got it anyway Playing that guilt trip game some are wont to do Now I lie awake with tequila sunrise Feeling like shit surprise surprise by your lack of...
Our bodies talk and we listen of inopportune and forced decisions they'd disinfect and in darkness scrub clean but it's all over the air and under sheets you say the very fiber of my emotion is...
As time went by slowly by the businesses sprang up and preyed upon the postwar surplus crumpled in our gloves oh what a glorious experience an ineffable gift your eyes and ears constantly barraged and...
Since the tide of yore and long gone before from the crowded nursery to troughs and cresting waves in a sea of shit our potentes carry us along until we don't even know if it's the carrot or stick...