Good morning guys! It's Monday, and it's the very first video ever! This is where the theme song would go if this were a vlogbrothers video. But it's not. Awkward. uh......
Hi, Otto here for Bavarian Autosport. Today we are going to show you how easy it is replace the accessory drive belts and pulleys on late model BMW's with serpentine belts. We will be working...
>> Audi: Alright, there we go. That's loud. >> Tina: Yes, that's loud >> Audi: OK, I'm going to turn it down >> Tina:...
In the Netherlands, a 55-year-old woman visited her doctor with a very strange complaint. She was having spontaneous orgasms from her feet. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, friends. Laci Green here for D News....