Buongiorno. Aspettami, sorellona! Ehi! Una ragazza non deve correre così! Ma questa è... ... una scuola per sole ragazze! Ma che diavolo mi combina, Mika? Ehi, chi è quello? Che ci fa qui un ragazzo?...
[music] Baby Sleeping Time Baby Sleeping Time Baby Sleeping Time Baby Sleeping Time Baby Sleeping Time Baby Sleeping Time Baby Sleeping Time Baby Sleeping Time Baby Sleeping Time Baby Sleeping Time...
Leslie Wong: When someone came to us and said, "What do you think about going home, and going back to San Francisco State?" And I thought that would be a pretty cool thing to do....
This is The Hollywood Gossip, coming at ya hot I'm Brooke Burgstahler. Not sure if we can call this a "love" triangle, but Zoe Kravitz, Drake, and Rihanna are aligning into a...
O On One One One R One Ri One Rin One Ring One Ring One Ring One Ring One Ring One Ring One Ring One Ring   ♫ You don't like crazy music ♫   ♫ You don't like rockin' bands ♫  ...
JFIF $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz /#PY l+4l=:U .r++ mjC*D/ =HO:F 2rg.b Q|Mu |c*> p!P#p0N...
To everyone in Fukushima We send cheers to you from all over Japan So we all sing together. In Fukushima, in Fukushima, in Fukushima ni, I left my true self (in Fukushima, and that's where I...
Twenty-nine, thirty... Six hundred and thirty... thirty five thousand, one hundred and twelve... FROM THE CREATORS OF "NINGÚN REY" I am going to die, unless someone finds a way of...
DJ Anil..... Baby..... I wanna Tell U something May b U could b my girlfriend Let's go....... Baby AH,ah,ah,a h, i... Wanna l...o...v..e.. u In Dis Club Right NOw We Can Flirt Right Now...