I've been walking Tired earth Old air From its birth Could have been A part of your life There are no deals There's no destination No holy land No El Dorado Just a grain of sand There's no salvation...
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And I've been walking 'round with memories way too long.



Hang on if you're not done A sycamore tree A sycamore tree Call and the scarecrow comes A sycamore tree As sick as can be After the sun has gone A sycamore tree As sick as can be Third day's the...
When I do watch shows, or projects that I've been a part of, I'm pretty good at watching them objectively. And that's mostly because I want to see how it came out overall, what the overall story was...
Oh my god, Cassie where have you been? Howdy long time no see I suppose you probably are wondering where I've been. Allow me to explain. To begin with, I am no longer a 백수 (unemployed...
I don't wanna scare you out of getting an MRI because I don't think that most people would've had the same experience, the same issues, that I did. Hey guys! I'm back,...
This video is sponsored in part by Squarespace. Whether you need a domain, website, or an online store; make it with Squarespace. Hi, welcome to Annika's channel... I've been trying to...
hey welcome back everyone now in the last video I promise to let you guys know where I've been for the last couple of months i guess i'm just going to start numbering these and this is...