how i how i how i how i how i learned my lesson mine is a big pink house a preacher knocking on the door with a self-righteous preacher going in but he is just an old flame i'll never want him again...
I learned my lesson that in the live-action world, you have to earn the support of people over a very, very long time. And in animation, I already have the support.
Hello Hello, I can already speak Russian Hello, My name is Anthony and welcome to my Youtube channel If you haven't subscribed, please subscribe to my channel, I promise there will be a lot of...
Hello,today I'm going to be telling you something I have never told anybody ever. All right, I'm just kidding it's not that personal. One thing that I have never discussed on...
so today I am going to share "how I learned to speak English" especially focusing on speaking skills like I said I am Japanese and I do not think my English is perfect but compared...
Hey guys, I'm Eszter and I love learning languages. I made this channel to show you what languages I already speak and how I learned them in a quick and fun way. As you all know, I'm...
If you don't speak English, no problem there're subtitles for this video you can select but if you speak English indeed I really hope you won't need the English subtitles...
Hi everyone! This is Sarah from SarahsSeoulSearch. Today I'm going to tell you how I learned Korean! However, this video is not just for people who are learning Korean, but gives tips for...
hey guys it's Carolina welcome back to my channel today I decided I'm going to be doing a video kind of similar to the first one I did four months ago so I'm going to be...
Nami: Hello, it's Nami! Today, I will be talking about Japanese! Uh, I'm not really ready yet... I will be filming today's video in Japanese... Mm! Tea yummy yummy mmm...