All About Homicide: Life on the Street (season 1) The first season of Homicide: Life on the Street, an American police procedural drama television series, originally aired in the United States on NBC...



All About Subway (Homicide: Life on the Street) "Subway" (sometimes referred to as "The Accident") is the seventh episode of the sixth season of the American police...



All About Homicide: Life on the Street (season 2) The second season of Homicide: Life on the Street, an American police procedural drama television series, originally aired in the United States...



First murder and I end up in the same neighbourhood I worked in Narcotics. - You expected more glamour? - Sure. How about a contessa who kills her rich husband in Guilford? Thought at least I'd get a...
� One more murder in this town � It don't mean a thing Just lock your doors and drive around � One more murder in this town � Don't worry, the rain will wash the chalk marks from the ground �...
OK. I'll go get Larry. Hey, hey, Larry! - You want dinner? - I wouldn't say no. OK, OK. You eat with us. - Shouldn't smoke, shouldn't smoke. - I know, I know. Over there, sit. Man, I stink. I still...
- I don't think it's funny. - You don't? No I don't. There's a national convention of policemen, law enforcement officers and a hundred New York City cops run amok in the hotel mooning tourists and...
The body of Katherine Goodrich was found last night behind the church of St Stanislavs, bringing the city's homicide count for the year to 212. What's particularly shocking about this murder, is just...
Homicide. Giardello. What? This heat will kill you. - Who got killed? - No, the heat. People die from it. They get too hot, they die. Or they kill each other. Who lights this candle every night? I got...
Do not move. Place your hands on the steering wheel. Do not move. - Step out of the car. - I am SO sorry. - It was an accident. - Hands up, please. Keep your hands up! She's drivin' like a crazy...