(function() {var opts = {artist: "L'Alba_Di_Morrigan",song: "Holy Mountain Pt. 1 (The Alkemist's Frode)",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" +...
(function() {var opts = {artist: "L'Alba_Di_Morrigan",song: "Holy Mountain Pt. 2 (The Rebirth)",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...
This is the Holy Land of God The land promised to Abraham by God The land to which the children of Israel were led by Moses from Egypt Above all, this is the Holy Land of Jesus Christ The land where a...
- what's up guys? - we are going to play another game, and we are going to play GTA vice city, - and the objective's to fly the highest possible. - it's going to be crazy as...
Slade Wilson, Deathstroke is going after the Titan and Teen Titans in what will be one of the best Teen Titans stories in a long time. We will get to learn the truth behind Slade Wilson’s family and...
Painting With Yovette, Golden Rays of Sunshine, Oil, Pt 1 Well Hi, this is Yovette at My Magic Brushes. I am so happy that you came back to visit me this month. I have a really fun fun project, at...
Painting With Yovette, Deep Forest Falls, Pt 1, Gesso Well Good Morning! Is everybody ready to start on a waterfall painting today? I've been waiting to do this one for you. Anyway I wanted to...
>> male announcer: "The Believer's Walk of Faith" is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers. >> Bill Winston: He didn't...
You might be wondering why I’m dancing like this at an Iranian nightclub in Los Angeles. “Del-e Divaaneehhhhhh…” Let me explain. My name is Yara. No, not that Yara, the half-black, half-Iranian...
“haya-oki wa sanmon no toku” “Waking early is worth three pence” - This Japanese proverb reminds us that often times, the difference between success or failure comes down to timing. This week on Lost...