Listen you fuckers You screw heads. Here is a man... Here is a man who would not take it anymore stood up in sandoz filled the shoot here is someone who stood up last mail is being driven into the...
considering that I feel pretty much politically involved in some things, but I try not to preach in my lyrics, I try to get people to understand the message. If they don't agree that's...
I see you, Mr product of your environment hustler underdog barking thug life it must be so hard being a gangsta in the inner city well how would you like to be a gay man in Russia a sodomite in Saudi...
We're about to have the Money Maker$, Snacky Chan, and MSG. We'll be having them on next.. First, should we have the Money Maker$ on or should we have Chan first? Aren't we...
Tell us something about Warsaw Challange event organization. It was very quiet organization. We started 6 months ago, and we did everything without any rush During event is everything going with...
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