- Narrator cue in five seconds, Mr. Hotsworth. - The jury is out. And all London holds its breath for the verdict in the infamous Beroldy trial. Accusations against the beautiful Madame Beroldy over...
Hickory dickory dock The mouse went up the clock The clock struck one The mouse went down Hickory dickory dock Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. A snake Hickory dickory dock The snake went...
ANNOUNCER: We take you now to Kermit the Frog for another fast breaking news story. KERMIT: Anybody have the time? Oh, hi ho, there, clock lovers. This is Kermit the Frog here for Sesame Street News,...
Sing a song, we'll all sing along with the Mother Goose Club The Mother Goose Club Old Mother Hubbard went to her cupboard! [laughs] to fetch her poor dog a bone. [whispering] Hey Teddy, look,...
[ music ] [ laughing ] I'm so hungry. Look, Eep! Cheese. Eep! Eep! Looks like it's time to eat. ♪ Hickory Dickory Dock. ♪ ♪ The mouse ran up the clock. ♪ ♪ The clock struck one, ♪ ♪...