Helen thomas

I censored myself for 50 years when I was a reporter. Now I wake up and ask myself, 'Who do I hate today?'
Presidents hate the press. They hate me most of the time.
All presidents rail against the press. It goes with the turf.
We are the only institution in our society that can question a president on a regular basis and make him accountable. Otherwise, he could be king.
To my mind, a president should care about all people, and he didn't, which is why I will always feel Reagan lacked soul.
There are better ways we can transform this virulent hatred - by living our ideals, the Peace Corps, exchange students, teachers, exporting our music, poetry, blue jeans.
We got the vote, which we should've been born with, in 1920. Everything we've had to struggle for - it's ridiculous.
I'm decrepit but I don't want to give up, and I love my work.
I have a background and an understanding of what's happened in the Middle East that a lot of people don't have, because there's been no interest.