Hel goddess of the underworld

(function() {var opts = {artist: "Hagalaz'_Runedance",song: "Hel: Goddess Of The Underworld",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...
What to Know About Dia De Los Muertos 2016 Unlike Halloween, the annual event celebrates the dead Dia De Los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, is a three-day celebration at the beginning of November...
Peaceful greetings I am the Great Mother Goddess From the Hyperdensities of the Kingdom of the Heavens Incarnated in cthon earth Listening to this video You'll connect to the vibration of the...
Celles qui vont au bois, C'est la mère et la fille La mère va chantant, mais sa fille soupire Qu'a-vous à soupirer, ma blanche Marguerite J'ai bien trop d'ire en moi, et n'ose vous le dire Reflexions...
My previous video was about the superior god of Egypt, The sun god RA. RA is the first god, and his first creation was SHU and TEFNUT. There are thirty-nine gods and goddess's of ancient...
Thanks you for watching :D Like or share if you interested this video Servant, Lancer The mistress of the underworld, Ereshkigal I’ve come in answer to your summons I’m reluctant to lend my power to...
Since the age of myth, with every passing of 200 years, battles erupt between Goddess Athena and Hades, the Lord of the Underworld. And now, a new Holy War is about to break out. When the world is...
As the night opens, I see your face in the shadow of the moon I see your glimmering eyes, reflected by the glittering snow Frozen winds whine over the silent landscape The only sounds I hear are the...
[ heavy breathing ] [ muffled yelling ] Aaaaarrrrghhhhh! That is no boy, but fucking demon. Belched from the cunt of the underworld. Your presence in the Pits comes as welcome surprise. When word that...
Breton folklore shows a spectral figure portraying death, the Ankou. Usually, the Ankou is the spirit of the last person that died within the community and appears as a tall, haggard figure with a...