I think, you know, we entered the 'The X Factor' in the U.K., and you kind of want someone who knows what they're talking about to tell you if you're any good or not instead of just your mum saying...
I meditate and pray before going onstage - it helps me focus.
I can see how you could get dragged into the bad stuff, but I've got good friends around me, good family. I think I've got my head screwed on.
You get moments all the time that kind of make you pinch yourself, some of them make you quite emotional. Winning a BRIT was a big moment because we were just so excited to be at the awards in the...
I'm a huge E! fan. Every hotel room, I watch it all the time. 'E! News' is fantastic.
One time, a girl dropped her phone in my pocket and I found it and was like, 'There you go.' And she said, 'If you'd had my phone, you'd have had to meet up with me to give it back.'
You're always going to write and draw inspiration from things that you're feeling, things that you've felt. It's kind of impossible not to unless you're writing a song and there's an exact scenario...
I heard some stuff recently from Julian Casablancas, and his solo stuff is amazing. If I could write with anyone, it would be him.
You get a lot of who you are as a musician across through the music you write. If you're writing your own music, then it's important to be really honest.
I think when you're writing songs, it's impossible to not draw on personal experiences, whether it be traveling or girls or anything. Just emotions.