Game theory

What is up my eryibros and welcome back to another theory! Today we are going to be talking about the “Clay doll” pokemon claydol. Yeah really creative species name game freak, really had to use the...
Hi friends, So usually what we do here is I tell you a story , but last week, I got a chance to talk to Hank Green, and he has a particular kind of story he likes to ask about when he meets people...
現在,遊戲理論家呈獻, 和MatPat的詩。 玫瑰是紅的,紫羅蘭是藍的*0, 玩約會模擬器,能結識伴侶嗎? 和MatPat的詩,完。 原製作人: MatPat@The Game Theorists 中文字幕製作及時間軸: Hugo VideoExpress 互聯網,大家好!歡迎來到遊戲理論~ 當初承諾大家做有關約會模擬器的節目,我做到了! (兩年後) 但很久很久以前,當我問到遊戲將會變成多真實的時...
Most video games these days have some kind of dynamic soundtrack, where the music reacts to what's happening on screen. Think of the way that music crossfades from calm to tense when you enter...
Hello folks, Tony Cabrerra here with ChoiceTV and I am at the Great Wolf Lodge today, the first and only indoor water park in Southern California and I'm so excited because there's not...
If you think about it, the US played a perfect end game. They knew Saudi Arabia was responsible for 9/11, but played along since taking Mecca would have united the entire Middle East and started a...
I'm Gabe Garza with today's health news. New research suggests that violent video games may be linked to suicide. According to a press release from Texas Tech University, a new study...
Well the Sydney TAFE experience of photography is a very special experience. We have magnificent facilities and we have the best teachers in the game that have the most current industry experience. We...
10 Reasons the Universe is God’s Video Game 10. We Don’t Know What Reality Is Humanity has never really been sure exactly what reality is. Plato used his famous Allegory of the Cave to describe the...
[MUSIK] Ich bin Matthew Patrick, auch bekannt als MatPat. Ich bin der Macher von Game Theory, Game Theorists, Film Theorists und GTLive. Hi, ich bin MatPat von den Kanälen Game Theorists und Film...