Hi! This is Joylyn Everett and my lovely assistant Bridget here for Expert Village in beautiful Malibu, California. We're here to give you tips and hints on how to dress punk. If...
Hi, this is Joylyn Everett here with my lovely assistant Bridget for Expert Village in beautiful Malibu, California. We're talking about, basically, the kinds of clothes I look for when I go...
How to Be Punk. You don’t have to have something to rebel against to be a punk—you just have to look like you do. You will need Punk music Punk hair Punk clothes Punk accessories Multiple piercings...
Entrando en modo 'overdub' para esta cancion. Si escucharon el disco sabran que hay algunas partes mas que no entraron en las pistas ritmicas basicas y es porque solo puedo tocar una...



Somos Caleta Puerco en Toma Primer tema original de Puerco en Toma en apoyo a los estudiantes movilizados por la educación chilena! Letra por Victor Garcés y los miles de estudiantes movilizados. No...



"Do not emit, can not issue. They have no eyes or ears. Frozen with boredom. They only see their ideas Listen to what they themselves say They are a flag of interfered still queuing to...



Back again for more? I thought so. Now, what we're going to be doing is we're going to do groove number three, and we're going to lift up the end of one on the hi hat to make...