As blackness gave birth to thee Summoning bells chimed for your death to come As born this world was, death and destruction came to life None shall survive as I tear the heavens open None shall...
The things I do, I do from the heart and out of love and respect for our planet and all living things. And I draw my courage from my love for justice and truth, and I calm my fears by comforting those...
The valor and courage of our young women and men in the armed services are a shining example to all of the world, and we owe them and their families our deepest respect.
The control and understanding of our personal fears is one of the most important undertakings of our lives.



The men and women of our armed forces played an instrumental role in the election process - securing polling sites and providing security - that allowed so many Iraqis the opportunity to vote freely...
When I'm home, the heart and soul of our family is in the kitchen. Growing up, my parents both worked, so dinnertime was for family - the TV was off. I think it's important to grab that time and...



Under the pressure of the cares and sorrows of our mortal condition, men have at all times, and in all countries, called in some physical aid to their moral consolations - wine, beer, opium, brandy,...
Writing saved me from the sin and inconvenience of violence.



So, hi, Tim Berry again. You've seen strategy as the heart of the plan, or if you haven't you can click to go back there. This is like, the flesh and the bones now, so let's...



Applied Epigenetics The Art And Science Of DNA Activation, Healing & Repair By consciousreminder The Foundations of Epigenetic DNA Activation: Life is Energy Einstein, Tesla, and the science...