My job as a pollster is to understand what really matters.
Eighty percent of our life is emotion, and only 20 percent is intellect. I am much more interested in how you feel than how you think. I can change how you think, but how you feel is something deeper...
The Republican National Committee hired me, and they hired me because they wanted someone who could look members straight in the eye and tell them the truth.
Sound science must be our guide in choosing which problems to tackle and how to approach them.
When I started in this business, everybody said the Democrats were the better communicators because they sounded like social workers, and Republicans were awful because they sounded like morticians....
We as Americans assume that big companies are bad, and big power companies are even worse.
The fundamental problem for Republicans when it comes to the environment is that whatever you say is viewed through the prism of suspicion.
How I say it has as much of an impact on what people think of me as what I say.
Ideology and communication more often than not run into each other rather than complement each other. Principle and communication work together. Ideology and communication often work apart.