Asi žiaden iný obraz nedokáže znázorniť nedotknutú prírodu lepšie, ako pohľad na zurkotavú horskú bystrinu. Pri každom kameni sa voda zvíri a vťahuje do seba vzduch. Voda dýcha. V otáčavom pohybe...



Hi, I'm Jan Kain, and now we're going to conclude our Tai Chi flow series in the introductory sessions. Starting from here, Play the Guitar, we've got one more Brush Knee....



We have seen that for turbulent flow we can time average out the very rapid fluctuations resulting in the Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations, which we can write in this form: dou u i bar by dou...



I’m going to spend a little time talking about my work in the domain of educational and social program evaluation. In some senses I consider myself a methodologist, and if you had asked me when I was...



This video teaches you the basic flow of the Incident Management process from the BMC Service Management Process Model, and then shows how you can perform this process using BMC Incident Management,...



How to structure Water Easily Thank you for visiting to experience only what is good for life At Green Frontiers you can find the answer to your deepest desire Will you recognize the key? Will you...
When things just go along smoothly, when the motion just happens by itself, then that's what flow is to me. Completely regardless of the difficulty. It can be rough to ride, but when you feel...