Florence griffith joyner

I couldn't wait until I grew up. I used to look at my mom's stockings and put them on with her high heels and mess with my hair.
If you want to run as fast as the men, you've got to train like the men.
I don't do drugs. I never have taken any drugs. I don't believe in them.
I love working with kids, talking with them and listening to them. I always encourage kids to reach beyond their dreams. Don't try to be like me. Be better than me.
That's what I'd like to do on the President's Council. Make sports and athletics available to every youth in America, not just one day a week like it was for me, but every day.
Conventional is not for me. I like things that are uniquely Flo. I like being different.
I was always doing something physical. My brothers and I used to have handstand contests. We'd walk around the projects on our hands and see who could get the farthest. I was always playing football...
People want to think that staying in shape costs a lot of money. They couldn't be more wrong. It doesn't cost anything to walk. And it's probably a lot cheaper to go to the corner store and buy...
I've always overworked in the weight room. I love working with weights. I knew they'd give me the strength I needed.