Rise Circle Greet the Sun Serpent coils unwind Pressure blood from stone Now do valleys open wide Now like rust do we reach out Now do clouds burst forth under weight Rise Rest your shield Lay down...



Earth burns Earth turns Coeur dans la mer Corps dans le vert Silent empty altar lies Buried temple locked once again Blind Earth will turn Dawn lies Keeper Cries Coeur/corps dies Earth will turn World...



Burn Lest ye be bold Until the quickening Unlearned and sill untold Praise not this dawn (That will become tomorrow today) The soil pressed into dust by the heel Below nothing can ever return Tower...



Don't feeling down tonight But feeling like the stars Don't make me cry.. So now I feel So strange and all the day I pray.. Pray.. Like snowflakes dancing in the air Keep my soul, put it in your hands...



Clever conversations are not made for me I stick more to a movement, you see Body concentration and muscle emphasis Limit exploration are me Into myself I put my curiosity In myself I know I'm real...



Sat all alone in your old room today. Because you have a new one now far away. The past the reason that i pushed this too far. And maybe passed on my inherited scar. I wonder if you'll make the same...



I.O. I. I. I. I. I. I.O.I.O. I.O. I. I. I. I. I. I.O.I.O. I.O. I. I. I. I. I. I.O.I.O. You know I love getting up in the morning When the sun first strikes the trees All the morning birds that singing...



Do you rememer the first sign of love? That first feeling you have had The one that never made you sad But yet always glad That one that meant the world You just had to have When around them all ways...



Hola a todos, este video es sobre la iniciativa Knowledge for Charity. Hace tiempo dije en un video que todo el dinero de los anuncios de los vídeos didácticos irían a una ONG. Y para decidir a que...