What happens in the media is the cult of personality. The brands who have been forced to cut their staff have been forced to take on the brands of journalists.
The one show that I will continue to be a guest on is 'The Daily Show' with Jon Stewart, if he'll have me. It's not competitive with CNN and it's too much fun.
Whenever societies do well, they believe that there is something in their cultural DNA that made it happen.
Things happening around the world are affecting you and me.
I am an American, not by accident of birth but by choice. I voted with my feet and became an American because I love this country and think it is exceptional.
If you go to India the roads are being built almost entirely with private sector money and by the private sector. If you look at many, many countries in Europe that's how they're doing it.
I very much want to be in the business of creating content, of doing stories all over the world rather than figuring out what the business model is for 'Newsweek' on the iPad, although that's very...
The American consumer, even today, the weight of the American consumer in the global economy is China plus India doubled. So, it's tough to replace that.
The American dream seems to be thriving in Europe not at home.
Politics and power is a realm of relative influence.