You're meant to think somehow that literature, in espousing eternal values, is kind of normal and balanced and reasonable. When it fact it's anything but.
Films are neither true nor false. That includes my films, as well as others. They may make claims that are true or false, but films are too complex. They have too many ingredients.
But one of the amazing things about documentary is that you can remake it every time you make one. There is no rule about how a documentary film has to be made.
There are endless anxieties in putting a film together, and it's an enormous relief when you know it's working with an audience.
I've been writing a lot more, I believe, because of the Internet. I've been posting stuff that I've written and I've just been writing.
You know, I actually like doing commercials. I don't like doing them to the exclusion of everything else, but I like doing them.
We all know that yellow journalism didn't just happen a week ago or a month ago, that yellow journalism has probably been with us as long as journalism has been with us.
I think an interview, properly considered, should be an investigation. You shouldn't know what the interview will yield. Otherwise, why do it at all?
I believe it was probably less than ten minutes that went by from the invention of photography to the point where people realized that they could lie with photographs.
When 'The Thin Blue Line' came out, I was criticized by many people for using reenactments, as if I wasn't dedicated to the truth because I filmed these scenes. That always and still seems to be...