Educación para el autocontrol

Uriel, para los que están aquí y a lo mejor no tienen tanta experiencia como tú del sistema educativo finlandés, ¿por qué es tan bueno? ¿Por qué miramos a Finlandia como un gran ejemplo? Bueno, lo...
Six years ago I took a presentation skills class. It was a four-day intensive workshop in which I was videoed practically constantly, and I learned the ABC's of presentations. It was: A for...
I'll tell you a little a bit about irrational behavior -- (Laughter) I want to talk about one particular problem which is self control. There were two sisters, in Northern Carolina, the...
What I know for sure is that identity is simple and complex. And is always changing. Identity is about belonging. Identity is our sense of self and our relationship to others. Identity is one of those...