In a world where world ends at the end of your block/ And them uh little whirlwinds spin friction round the clock/ I be savage hunt and gather the average rather cadaver/ Cock back hammer spatter...
I don't know about you, but I've saved cards that old high school flames wrote me as well as those that employees have written me over the years. The power of genuine, customized appreciation will...
Two, three! Hi, we're The Rose! Today, we have very exciting news. That is, *drumroll* we're going on a tour to the place that you guys requested on MyMusicTaste and that Jaehyeong...
Mariah Carey - Thirsty (recited lyrics) by Doge. Mariah Carey "Thirsty" lyrics Oh, you're thirsty Oh, you're thirsty Oh, you're thirsty Oh, you're...



You may be seated. Hello. This is the case of Hall v. Richards. Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. ALL: Good day. Ms. Hall, you and your mother are furious with the defendant because he denies...
And today we're learning easy, basic things to say in American Sign Language. Remember I've stressed this all the time, we need our facial expression to match our sign....
Thirsty and miserable You drop to the floor You drink 'til you can't See any more Thirsty and miserable Always wanting more Thirsty and miserable Always wanting more My brother wants a ride To the...
What we're going to do know is we're going to soak our Russian tortoises and we do this about 2-3 times a week. So what we do is we get some nice warm water from the sink. You have to...
In the past, I took you for granted. I'll never do that again. - You what? - I went in and I talked with J.R. You went crawling to that worm? It's the review board's final ruling. Your application has...
This is our latest song... It's called Mystic Tiles I don't know how to translate that so please don't ask me to Umm... Benjie? Mystic things of roofs... Things of roofs....