Don't eat the food that is sitting on your plate But smear it in your ear and smush it in your face, Mash you mashed potatoes and stuff 'em down your pants, Wiggle 'em around a bit and do a little...
Don't eat the food that is sitting on your plate But smear it in your ear and smush it in your face, Mash you mashed potatoes and stuff 'em down your pants, Wiggle 'em around a bit and do a little...
JAISAL NOOR: Don't drink the water in Flint, Michigan, where a public health emergency has been declared after dangerous contaminants, including elevated lead levels and corrosive elements...
I don't get the point in a lot of biopics, they're boring. You know what's gonna happen. You're just watching actors show off.
I don't see the point in working just to be working.
We don't have the money in America to keep paying for the education of everybody else's children from around the world. We simply don't have the financial resources to do that.



I don't think the war in Afghanistan was ruthlessly enough waged.
I don't think the woman in French 'Vogue' was an object. She was always a real woman.
Many Americans simply don't want the pinheads in Washington or the various state capitals to be telling us how to live. But we are absolutely going in that direction. President Obama is hell-bent on...