Do Something

During the iPod's development process did you get a sense of how big it would become? The way you can tell that you're onto something interesting is if everybody who knows about the project wants one...
How would you describe Cashback? It's sweet and it's gentle - a good date movie! It's a romantic love story rather than a change your life kinda thing. It's got a good mixture of stuff for the boys...



What were you looking for in a film like Speed Racer?  I was just waiting and seeing what happens. That's generally my approach. I'm never really looking for anything specific. But I was very excited...
What convinced you to make Shine a Light? Keith: I think it was the magical name of Scorsese. If Martin Scorsese wants to make a movie around you, you have to consider that this guy has something in...
Q: What do you see this film as? A romantic comedy? A satire? A: It’s got a little bit of both I think. It is a satire, but it’s also shamelessly a romantic comedy. That element has been applied to...



What drew you to such difficult subject matter? It’s one of those huge taboos that we push to the back of our heads. We don’t want to think about it. Recently, there has been a spate of infanticides...
‘I write the best worst poetry in the world,’ Eva Mendes confides. ‘Maybe I can give you one cheesy line,’ she laughs. ‘No, I can’t, it’s too telling.’ She flicks the pages of untidy handwritten...



In the film you play Ruth Lang, the Prime Minister's wife with quite a few secrets up her sleeve. What was it like stepping into the shoes of such a powerful woman? Ruth spends most of the film having...
How has Inglourious Basterds changed people's perceptions of you? I'm European, small, dainty - but I actually consider myself more of a tomboy. But I've not been allowed to play those parts in...



You're wearing Tom Ford today, do you have a wardrobe full of his clothes?  No, not full. I think given the cost of them - even for him - I don't think anyone would have a full wardrobe of Tom Ford....

