Yes, but more than being a designer, I'm more of a stylist, because I don't sew and I don't sketch, but I'm good at putting things together, choosing things that are chic and glossing over the...
Thanks to my mother, people tell me I look younger than I am, especially without make-up. And I suppose my father had a part in making me more frugal with my money.
So I have the green smoothie every day for breakfast, and then sometimes even for lunch too, and then I have a normal dinner.
Red lips don't look good on blotchy, uneven skin.
I have a lot of Burberry items at home, including one dress that I loved so much that I had my living room painted to match because the color was so flattering.
When I started performing, there was no Internet; I didn't really have anything to copy. I kind of had to just make up what I thought burlesque was, based on photographs of Sally Rand or whatever.
I prefer the competitive atmosphere of a classroom setting, like yoga or Pilates. That keeps me going. Although performing on stage is great exercise!
I'd say the only time I ever get nervous is around great ballet dancers or people I really admire.