And if you ever tell people that God does not have fierce wrath toward the sinner, not just the sin, but towards the sinner, then you are lying to them. Because I don't find verses that speak...
How great is God, exalted in power, majestic above all. The heavens tell of His greatness. The skies display His awesome craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak. Night after night they...
Before the entrance of sin, Adam and Eve enjoyed open communion with their maker. Often as they walked in the garden in the cool of the day, they heard the voice of God, and held face to face...
‘La oración hace temblar al infierno’, es el mensaje. ‘La oración hace temblar al infierno’. Vaya a Daniel capítulo 6, por favor. Soy tan feliz de ser salvo. Vamos a comenzar en el versículo 1, del...