Well, the good times scratched a laugh from the lungs of the young men In a Deadwood saloon, South Dakota afternoon And the old ones by the door with their heads on their chests, they told lies about...
And in my chase for you I fell through, Wish for all and reaching my fill, But I didn't know I would be hurting you. All along what I did was what I knew. And all of my reflections turn away from me....



Quit your goddamn knockin'. I'm comin'. Casket's come with your name on it. Why tell me in the middle of the night? - Body's inside. - Evidently not mine. I'd as soon make delivery. You'll find out...
Quiet. I notice too, Stupid, we're each of us breathing in and out. It's Bullock, Star, Utter, and Trixie. And Harry Manning's outside on a sorrel. - What's the whore doing with 'em? - I don't know....
Ooh! Jesus Christ! What's wrong? What's wrong? It fuckin' hurts, Doc. What do you think's wrong? As the particular mix of stupidity and self-pity that moved you is of no interest to me, I will not put...
One-third of six is two. The combination of the safe in the hardware store, which you should commit to memory against eventualities. As was threatened by the arrival of those men last night. Yes....
- Right there. - Okay. Be careful as you walk. Just leave them here. 23... four, five, six. 51, 52. The latest news. I fail to understand, if I who am most affected am not disturbed, why you should...
He's gone up with your son. Wants notice when you're ready to serve. I knocked holes in these walls. Confinement gives me the fidgets. Set yourself up comfortable. Let me confide as well, Odell, that...
Fuckin' postal contract. Got to bring these in first thing. I'll be right with you. Is he only a goddamn fool or so stupid he thinks he's accomplished something? - Who? - You know goddamn well who I...
Engine room! This is the Captain! Throw coal to the fuckin' boiler! And a hard right rudder! Hello, the galley! Fuckin' jeroboam of champagne to the bridge immediately! Uh, Mr. T. Brief uh, idle time,...