Hello, I'm Rick Rush and today I'm thrilled to present my newest painting, entitled WildCards. Wildcards is dedicated to the 2011 World Series Champion St. Louis Cardinals. The...
undergraduates along with what you make a with so we're asking you to subscribe to t y t sports are we working escort well if you like it or to write and just started and literally just...
uh... also on a mention quickly there's been something very strange editing of the david patten show wikipedia page going on lately to i guess make a couple of our passenger who came on here...
more outrageous part of uh... baseball so exited basis only approvals now with the angels for what two hundred and fifty four million-dollar that instant fame and discipline i guess perspective that...
(female announcer) This is a production of WKNO-Memphis. Production funding for 'Sports Files' is made possible in part by.. My guest today on 'Sports Files' is the...
Rick: Hello, folks. It's time for another chat session. Welcome to Safe at Home. Jude, who's behind the camera, joined me this morning for a little walk down to the creek. This reminds...