I'm really trying hard not to do anything that has been done before. So knowing everything I can about the legacy of magic challenges my team and I to invent new illusions.
I was an only child. We were so poor, my parents and I had the same room.
The first trick I bought at Macy's was a little wooden board where a quarter would appear and disappear.
Magic came very easy for me when I was a kid. When I was 8 years old I started doing it, and by the time I was 12, I was already published in magic books.
What I've tried to do in my stage magic is to take a trick and give it an emotional hook.
The key is for the audience never to know, so I have a plan B for every illusion.
My show is constantly evolving... new tricks are added, old ones are dropped... so it stays fresh. But it's the randomly selected participants from the audience that make it fresh and provide some of...