I'm developing a physiological theory of growth and oxygen requirement. If it's well-understood how fish require oxygen to grow, then we can understand how to deal with the impact of global warming.
Tilapia have often been represented as the aquatic chicken, and it's perfectly justified.
Eating a tuna roll at a sushi restaurant should be considered no more environmentally benign than driving a Hummer or harpooning a manatee.
While the climate crisis gathers front-page attention on a regular basis, people - even those who profess great environmental consciousness - continue to eat fish as if it were a sustainable practice.
People don't know the past, even though we live in literate societies, because they don't trust the sources of the past.
In the Java Sea in Indonesia, I have seen fishers going out in the morning, six of them going out and coming back with five pounds of fish. That is the end point, a pound of fish per person per day to...
We transform the world, but we don't remember it. We adjust our baseline to the new level, and we don't recall what was there.
Our oceans have been the victims of a giant Ponzi scheme, waged with Bernie Madoff-like callousness by the world's fisheries.
If you think of having a family as being loved as a child, cared for - I did not experience that.
The crisis of the fisheries is similar to our economy. This is not one fishery failing, but the whole system.