Here are our demands! They must be accepted! And if the king refuses? Then we have the right to say that Enrique is not our king! The people expect authority and order from their king, Your Majesty....
Subtitles by DramaFever Have you already made your choice? From the depths of my heart, nothing makes me happier than a marriage between two monarchs like Isabel and Fernando. But I can't lose...
In previous episodes... We need to end this war. Our people can't take it anymore. Your turn. It's from my father. What news does he share? It's about my marriage. It's...
That your wife is pregnant with another man's child. We need Castile on our side. That's why you need to get married. And who is the chosen one? Her name is Beatriz. Juan...
Hi, my name is Jordi. When I was 22 years old, I went abroad to study English. I knew it would change my professional career; and so it has been. A year ago I came back to Catalunya. When I left, it...
Spanish Realities Cataluña, A Region Apart In 1977, the people of Cataluña celebrated the traditional day of Catalan Solidarity. It was the first time they had been able to do so since Franco came to...
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