(music) Hi, I'm Nate Ashley one of the co-founders of BHeard a communications solution designed to turn social interest into social action Social issues are important to everyone but we...
I Want to do here is that I want to show you this little video. Now this is Pebble, they raised $10,266,000 from 68 thousand people in about 30 days. It's quite a lot of money. It's a...
I know the trick this week was really silly but we'll have something better next week well, I have something to say, and it might be interesting I don't know if you have heard of...
We're just really trying to push us to the next level Really cool fight sequences happening in the woods We're looking to take the film to Cannes We know how to make films and we want...
Miomi: Hello! Ghost: We are the members of the band AKADO. Ghost: We have always done everything in such a way so as not to feel ashamed for it later. And even if we’ve got only a thousand rubles we...
You have an idea but You don’t have money. And you want to know How much will it cost? The best thing you can do to achieve a successful crowdfunding campaign is to promote your project as much as...
What is the value in Promotion? The three basic values of promotion are to 1) present information to consumers and others, 2) to increase demand, and; 3) to differentiate a branded product or service....
My name is Paul! The guy there... that's me... I have this kind of "gift". One that would make a lot of people jealous. But for me... ... it's just annoying! - So...



What Is Crowdfunding? The latest thing, a fad, a trend? Probably not. If you are raising finance for your business then crowdfunding should be near the top of your choices. What is it? The easiest way...
Carlos, we have to change the world Absolutely Jordi, let me show you something thanks to the internet, it is very easy to do so look: there is a site called verkami ver what? verkami verkami.com What...