his name with dave they look into the program david packed in here with you for the rest of the hour i want to say hello not only to everybody listening or watching on our current list of radio and...
susan with welcome committee politics and david patten please check out our website mid-week politics dot com make sure getting our newsletter you can sign up easily the top right corner of the site...
Carl Laemmle loved ceremony and he loved people. He knew what people wanted by the time he formed Universal he was forty-years-old but Laemmle created something that would last forever. Laemmle was...
with for mel gibson has been cut in yet another racist rant and david packed in here with the u_n_ mid-week politics course check out our website at mid-week politics dot com make sure to check this...



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mid-week politics with dave and welcome back to the politics training is on the phone is marguerite provide who is that the subjects and the filmmaker and when one of the most compelling viral videos...

