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Hi! My name is Isabel Ramirez. I'm from Wesley Chapel, Florida. On behalf of Expert Village, I'm here to show you how to set a dining room table. If you don't plan on enjoying...
Hi! My name is Isabel Ramirez. I'm from Wesley Chapel, Florida. On behalf of Expert Village, I'm here to show you how to set a dining room table. Next, you want to place your soup...
Hello everyone. Rose Centre co-founders Tim Rose and Natalie Sanborn here. for a surprise 8th video blog. I know we said it was a 7 day video countdown, but we decided to throw in an 8th. And the...
Notre Dame by TravelPod member abalzer Notre Dame from the river Seine by TravelPod member abalzer Notre Dame by TravelPod member abalzer North Rose Window --Old Testament by TravelPod member abalzer...
[Intro song playing] [Intro song playing] [Intro song playing] [Intro song playing] [Intro song playing] [Music Playing] [Music Playing] [Music Playing] [Music Playing] [Music Playing] [Music Playing]...
Hitler was more deeply involved in the occult than most people assume. This involvement left him a changed man If you read about Hitler's mental health modern psychologists have diagnosed him...



There is no god. I fall into the deep, sinful night. I fall, gathering more sin about myself. The red moon Burns into these green eyes. Drowning, Flailing, I plunge, sinking in a dream. Shaking, Each...
they say we are a parasite and at last; shut up, we, the orators, have spoken enough from now on in this theatre group we'll only play as ghosts. Lower the flags; in the avenues we marched...



You're in control Is there anywhere you want to go You're in control Is there anything you want to know The future's for discovering The space in which we're traveling...