Well I just got back from Vietnam, where I saw a baby in a pram. The next minute it wasn't there, I was getting paid too much to care. Now I fought hard for my Purple Heart. I can stop you if you...
Dog tired sleeping on the train. A couple of hours and we'll be home again. But a big man dressed in blue said, "Hey you lot, we want you." We had a drugs party in 526. The flick knives were...
(Originally by The Stooges) Out of my mind on a Saturday night, Nineteen Eighty Four rolling in sight. Radio Bird Man, up above, beautiful baby, save our love. All night killer, blown away, all night...
If your body's feeling bad, and it's the only one you had. If your mind is in a state, stainless steel penetrate. I can ease your pain away, just an hour every day. Now relax, have faith in me, and...
You want a house and a child but you don't want a man. You'll live off the state as long as you can. Claim you're equal with your feminist wit. If you are you'd better act like it. With a glass plate...
I've got a turbocharger, on my car, without that power .. we wouldn't get far. Let me take you back to when power first began, rubbing sticks together can't be a lot of fun. High octane fuel .. I've...
There was a City Baby, Attacked By Rats. Their little teeth, they gnawed and hacked .. He grew and he fought back .. put those rats back in their traps. City Babys .. Revenge Survive he did, but only...
In the desert with a bottle of J.D. The red pipe glows with lines of c. Things are normal but they won't be soon. Hairy monsters in the next room. Frogsheads and midgets going oingoboingo .. Take my...
I can speed in my car down the road. I don't have to follow the highway code. The laws which bind you don't bother me. I've got diplomatic immunity. I'm really free. They can't touch me. I've got...
See the man see him run, where's he going where's he coming from ? What's he carrying under his arm ? Stay away it'll do you harm. See the man run. Why's he sitting in the...