Christoph waltz

You know, I don't talk about the characters that I play. Years ago, I was a little timid about it and I kind of squirmed when I was asked, 'Could you tell us something about your character.' Now with...
Praise is nothing that accumulates. Praise is a sequence, especially if you've toiled for a long time. Praise does not pile up. So in a way, you can't get too much. I don't consider it to be a...
For a while, I couldn't decide whether or not I should pursue singing in the opera or acting. And I'm glad that I chose the latter because I wasn't a very good singer.
You know, I don't support esoteric approaches to acting.
I take praise as not just a reward and a result but also as the beginning of a new process.
I think Stephen Sondheim is a - and I hardly ever use this word - but this is as close as it gets to a genius.
When a new book comes out or becomes accessible in whatever form, I get it and I read it.
I'm trying to be very aware of not repeating myself.
You're always being cast for what you've been in last.