I can't think of a subject that is taboo for me, unless it's one I simply don't know anything about.
You have to be careful not to use anything too colloquial or you date the book.
Sometimes a book is better than it ever had a right to be because of the history the reader brings to the reading and because of the methods educators use to bring a particular story alive.
I think the value in books like mine, and a great number by other talented writers, is in the ability to bring dark subjects into the open where they are not so dark, where they can be talked about...
My first book, 'Running Loose', was censored back in 1983 or '84. Every book I've written since has been censored somewhere.
Certainly working with teens keeps me up to date with language and with certain kinds of thinking. I often feel like I have to go back to that 17-year-old Chris Crutcher, and that forms the core...
I have made a career of creating characters who fight school authority and chomp at the bit to get out into the 'real' world and live their lives, mostly because that's the kind of teenager I was.
I am for anything that makes teens visible in an honest way... in other words, anything that represents them the way they are, positively or negatively.
Being an outsider means not being heard, not having a voice. It means being treated as a second-class citizen, being diminished in the eyes of others. We have all felt this way at one time or another,...
'Deadline' is the story of a young man forced to discover who he is, and what's important in life, during the short span of his senior year in high school.