I'll wear a white dress. I want my outfit to be elegant, and I should look refined, right? Yes, do that. Stop acting like you're gazing at the lights on the other side of a river!...
another really weird Phil Robertson story this is this is really strange there's been video uncovered a field Robertson apparently saying that men should marry women way before they get too...
Go in and put this down facing the woman. If you suspiciously keep touching it, you'll look suspicious, so just set it down and say what you need to say. You remember all the questions,...
-May I help you to your seat? -Yes, please. 7C... -It's the window seat over here. -Thank you. Ms. Choi Sang-Mi has taken her seat number 7C. Oh, really? Thank you! Welcome on board, ladies...
Es una noche hermosa,y estamos buscando algo tonto para hacer ¡Eh! baby, Pienso que quiero casarme contigo. Es la mirada en tus ojos ¿O acaso la manera en que bailas? Quien se preocupa el baby,...
Da Jung, ¡cuando hagas esto tu cabello se sentirá más pleno! ¿En serio? Gracias por traernos aquí, Buki. Oye, ¡esto es realmente grandioso! ¿Realmente esto va a funcionar? ¿Qué tal esta? ¿Fantástico,...
This is my first time doing this... I didn't think I'd be this nervous, but I am. I was worried what would happen if it didn't fit. It's so pretty. When a man gives a...
100 MILLONES DE ÁLBUMES VENDIDOS ARTISTA MÁS DESCARGADA EN LA HISTORIA Me voy a casar con la noche No me rendiré en mi vida Soy una reina guerrera Vivo apasionadamente esta noche Me voy a casar con...