Follow me as I follow Christ, let's walk the road baby, since Jesus I got a new life He broke the mold baby, renewed and I got new sight, He moved the old baby Life is different walking in light and...
In my other life I was a five dollar an hour parking spot In an overdone main street So cut me some slack 'Cause my customers all drove Shiny little red things and avoided eye contact And I always...
where the footsteps of one culture tread the righteous still sing as we march to the tune of "humanity's" hymn a restless night awaits the dawn of a silent spring our mythos and this way of...
I called home from a greyhound station at the coin I flipped destination said dad, please understand. I'm not running or hiding from anything I just gotta go and find my wings and in this small town I...



مرحبا مرحبا هاى " ليزارد " لماذا يتجمع الرجال الليليون بينما نحن نلتصق كثعابين الماء ؟ إنه قدرنا أيها المحقق التآمر على فصلنا حسنا ، أنا ذاهبة من هنا أراكم لاحقا نراكى غدا أأنتى بخير ؟...



Man, so you mean to tell me that you've known this girl most of your life, and you ain't never had sex with her? And you ain't want to? Why? No, no. No, that's my best friend's sister. So? I've had...