Bitter clarity. uncommon grace

The last time she took the last step of the day she couldn't return home. A thoughtless way to get anywhere but the place you want to be. "A loveless revelation will soon come to me" We're...
You can chalk it up to manic tendencies. Attributes she has also given to you and me. A lasting black cloud hovering unapologetically that serves to crush pure thought and pollute all that is...
She sent a jagged rock falling from the sky that pierced skin and ripped right through bone to let us know we belong to the land and it was never ours to own. Meandering through time and mind, we shut...
The record skipped into a momentary lap(se) on a damaged groove, what seemingly lasted as close to what we can comprehend forever to be. Used. We all feel used; abandoned, misunderstood, burned out...
We opened fire with a .45 on everything. Then turned the gun and painted the white walls behind us a stunning cardinal, soon discernible to our eyes as a grotesque, almost ruddy brown. Again and again...
She's urging us to connect and flow like the water of the world. We build dams and reroute the rivers in our cirlces to adapt to the rapids in us all. We make a sudden switch in current to adjust to...
When you speak of her, speak of her well. We've been teaching lessons to ourselves and other's stories of hell- Relating to that situation can give you salvation in every aspect of loving. The telling...